I think everybody understands intuitively that not all claimants' claims are as complicated as others. There are varying degrees of complexity in the claims we receive, even in the number of claimants that are in associated claims, for example. Also, some people come with multiple nationalities. Some people come having been in different countries, where persecution has happened in countries other than the first country or their country of birth. Depending on the complexity of cases, it does impact the amount of time it takes. Because we do individual assessments of claimants and their stories, it does take a different amount of time, which is why we have longer hearing opportunities or shorter hearing opportunities. By the way, even if we schedule something for a short hearing, if it does go over, then it will be rescheduled for another one. These are triage mechanisms to allow for efficiency. You can imagine if we block three hours of time for a member, but it only takes an hour or an hour and a half to hear the claim, then it's an hour and a half of dead time, where they might have actually scheduled another hearing if we had done two short hearings in their morning. In an effort to be as efficient as possible, we do a triage of what the claims require as attention.
The expedited process is an interesting one because it's a paper review. Currently, we have eight countries that are listed for expedited hearings: Afghanistan, Burundi, Egypt, Eritrea, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and Yemen. It's a backward-looking assessment really. We look at the caseload, and when we have an over-85% acceptance rate for a country then we allow members to look at those cases as a paper review first. Eritrea is an example. When you look at that country, you see that 85% of the time the persecution is found to be future-looking and it is a case where the person does require asylum or refugee status. Now if the member, in looking at it, thinks the complexity is too great, they will schedule a hearing. Even though it's been on the expedited potential list, they will schedule it for a hearing.
These are just triage mechanisms for us, to allow us to be as efficient as possible.