There can always be different opinions on that question. So one question might be whether the government has done a section 35 analysis prior to proposing the bill. I don't know.
That's one of the reasons why the issue was raised in my presentation that although there is a very formal process to assure parliamentarians that prior to consideration of a bill there has been consideration by the Department of Justice and a certification that each bill passed muster and the Department of Justice is satisfied there's not a charter issue problem with a bill before it's presented, if there is such a process, it isn't public. I don't know, maybe there is such an exercise, but there hasn't been a public statement of commitment to say that's what we do every single time. So we don't actually know, number one, whether that analysis has been undertaken in any given case that I'm aware of with a particular bill, and number two, if it has been done, then what need the government saw, perhaps, to engage with aboriginal peoples on their opinion.
I do empathize with the government, because the whole managing of the consultation obligation is a highly complex one and involves, as I outlined in my presentation, a whole series of legal steps to hopefully get to the right answer. Part of getting to the right answer involves listening to aboriginal perspectives.
I just followed through the logic of that in my presentation. If the Supreme Court is directing reconciliation as a means of implementing section 35, and explaining that reconciliation means consultation and accommodation where there is an existing aboriginal and treaty right, then in order to understand whether there is an existing or potential aboriginal and treaty right, you probably need a conversation with the aboriginal peoples concerned. Right?
In order to finally come to an informed decision, is there the likelihood of any potential infringement with my anticipated legislative activity, and if there is, do I need to do something about that?
So it's part of the larger process of working out the direction received so far from the Supreme Court of Canada and what parts the executive has to do and get done before matters come before people like you in Parliament, and what your role is in checking that work.
Again, in my presentation, just based on sheer logic--not case law or anything else--I'm saying to myself that even if the federal government has done a fantabulous job in analyzing the consultation issue before presenting a bill to Parliament, Parliament then of course is free to change it. Well, what then? Don't you need to continue tracking that section 35 issue, if it's there, throughout the whole process? And what assistance do you need to get that job done? How can you engage in a conversation with first nations people or other aboriginal peoples about that?