Good morning.
I will speak in French. My first question is directed to Mr. Chartrand. First of all, I want to thank you for sharing with us your views as an expert having a good knowledge and understanding of the issues.
Ms. Cornet, during the questions and answers period this morning, you said that the present situation was unacceptable, that we had to do something, that we had to act.
We have heard several groups, as you know, including the Assembly of First Nations, the Assemblée des Premières nations Québec-Labrador, representatives from the communities, law experts from the Barreau du Québec, various experts in the area as well as women groups. Also, mention was made of the consultations as well as the points raised by Mr. Chartrand regarding the clauses for protection of collective rights and the rights of first nations.
My question this morning is quite simple. Of course, we are aware that the parliamentary process is not necessarily perfect and that we desire to move toward a new form of relationships. However, within the framework of the present structure, we have had the opportunity to make a small step forward, even though it does not solve the enormous problems that you have referred to, such as housing, education, issues that we also want to examine.
I would like to ask you whether it is a good start, wether we are on the right track. The next step is the clause by clause study. How do you see the follow up regarding the existing bill?
Mr. Chartrand, perhaps you could start.