Thank you, Mr. Lévesque.
On behalf of the members, I want to thank you for your presentations to the committee today.
We're going to go into some committee business now, so you can take your leave, and we'll continue. It's very informative, and I think you have noted some of the follow-up items, which we appreciate, I must say. All the members do appreciate it when you get back to us on those items. Merci beaucoup.
Members, we've got one notice of motion in front of us for committee business. As is customary in discussions of committee business involving notices of motion, we stay in public. Before we begin, though, I would like to advise members with regard to our travel dates for the study on northern economic development. This of course has been approved by the House liaison committee and the House, so the travel dates will be Monday, November 16, to Friday, November 20; that will be the trip to Whitehorse and Yellowknife. In the week immediately following will be the trip to Iqaluit.
It will take place from November 23 to November 25.
So you can put those on your calendars. As soon as we have the detailed itinerary from the logistics officer, we'll get that out to you.
This is the final note. Continuing this week we have our first meeting on the study of northern economic development, on Thursday morning at 11 o'clock. We begin with Minister Strahl and representatives from CanNor, the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency. That will be a televised meeting, we believe--that has yet to be confirmed.
There being no other questions, let's proceed to the notice of motion. I invite Madam Crowder to speak to the motion, and then we'll proceed from there.