In my paper I've laid out four, and in our report--I've filed both a French and an English copy of that report with the committee--we are looking at a few things that we think need to be addressed very quickly in connection with it.
In connection with it, first of all, is the integration question that came up in my response to Monsieur Lévesque in terms of his comments. This is tremendously important, because we have to bring the resources and some of the knowledge of the south to the north, and that integration is an important part of it.
If we launch a “University of the Arctic”, or whatever term we want to use here, Laval, UBC, and other universities, I would hope, would be contributing to it in connection with it. Integration is an important part.
Secondly, in connection with it, building codes and standards are fundamental to everything we do. That's one of the real lessons of our report. If you have national building standards that the federal government is trying to enforce in order to build new northern cities or economic development, then we feel there has to be greater input. This is not only in the formal building standards, codes, and practices. This includes engineering programs in universities. It involves the way in which professional societies are today trying to address these issues.
Thirdly, we really do need much more research, north- and south-based research in terms of... There are two really critical factors when we look at climate change. One is that we really don't know today the speed at which this change is going to take place.
We have the results from the last 20 years of winter temperatures in the Mackenzie Valley, and we have a start in other directions, but if the Government of Canada and the territorial governments are going to do their job, they really need to get a better sense of how fast those new airstrips are going to be built and how quickly it will be necessary to relocate certain northern communities and this kind of thing. These are very, very major social questions, not just economic questions.
Lastly, we have--