In terms of how many are interested, the initial number is ten. According to the last time I talked to Chief Jules, it was ten.
That number is quite normal. The First Nations Land Management Act, which has now 40 first nations, and with more getting more interested in it, started with 14 and then expanded to 40. We see the same thing. Right now we have ten, and that's a place to start. As these ten first nations go through the experience of this, we expect that other first nations, as they're ready and as they watch this experiment, may decide to join.
Actually, you know, this system already exists. The Nisga'a in B.C. are in fact the pioneers in Canada. Chief Jules's proposal is built off of that proposal. The Nisga'a signed a land claims agreement and now have created great fee simple interest in their land. So they're already doing that.
The Sechelt have this right to do it, but they have never done fee simple, mainly because they don't have that underlying title and jurisdiction. Without that underlying title and jurisdiction, they've been reluctant, but we've been told that perhaps with underlying title and jurisdiction, they as well would be interested.
So there are ten right now but there's the potential to grow, much like what happened with the First Nations Land Management Act.
In terms of credit, yes, first nations have shown extreme innovation in finding ways to get around the restrictions using CPs, such as using the revolving loan fund that Chief Whiteduck suggests, using band guarantees and ministerial guarantees. In Kahnawake they use a trustee system, a three-person trustee system.
So they've found very innovative ways to do that, and that's great. The fee simple process, the fee simple ownership, would streamline that process even more. It would increase the efficiency under which individuals would be able to access credit.
Again, this is all about empowering first nations individuals. In the words of Chief Jules, this is about unlocking the “entrepreneurial spirit” of first nations. In his foreword to our book, he talks about how his ancestors were great capitalists. If you think about the trade routes that existed among first nations communities pre-contact, these trade routes were extremely extensive and extremely economically efficient and beneficial.
So with this legislation, he wants to unlock—and this is one way, not the only way, but one way—this entrepreneurial spirit again. And our analysis agrees: fee simple for some first nations will have this effect of unlocking the economic entrepreneurial spirit that already exists and will make it easier for first nations individuals to go out and leverage their lands into economic wealth.