Thanks for the question, and I will try to be brief.
I know the committee is seized with the land issues and the link to economic development, so we're looking forward to any advice the committee has to offer in the months ahead.
It's one of the most thorny issues in the “Let's get out of the Indian Act” conversation, because when people say that, they don't mean “Let's abolish it tomorrow and have fee simple land and go to the land system that takes place off reserve”. The transition to activate the land base of what are now Indian reserves into the economy is a delicate and tricky thing.
The main tool we are trying to work with is the First Nations Land Management Act, which was developed in partnership with some leading first nations, particularly centred in British Columbia, some time ago. A couple of years ago we found that the process was somewhat bottlenecked, so we worked very hard with those chiefs and with the land advisory board to unclog that bottleneck. We found a new funding formula. We found assessment tools that worked for communities to figure out if they were FNLMA-ready, if I can put it that way, and, as the minister said, we were able to add another 18 communities to the regime.
They basically are leaving about a third of the Indian Act behind them, taking control of local land use, land planning, and environment management, and that gives them the tools to make a lot of decisions about economic possibilities in their communities.
We're also trying to speed up the process of adding lands to reserves—the famous ATR, additions to reserves. Lands are being added either through treaty settlements or when communities get money through settlements and decide to acquire land for expansion or housing, for economic development purposes. It's a very slow, heavily lawyered process to move money from the provincial crown to the federal crown to create reserve status, but we're trying to remove all of the bottlenecks that we can and unkink the hose on that process. We've made a lot of progress, particularly in Manitoba and Saskatchewan on that.