I hosted a national conference on this in October of 2010. I had Hernando de Soto make a presentation at the conference, and those of you who don't know, he wrote a book called, The Mystery of Capital. He sits on a committee with Madeleine Albright to alleviate poverty for the UN.
I had him up to talk about all of these issues, but one of the panellists that was there was a lawyer for the Royal Bank. He was saying that banks are really reticent to use a leasehold interest for the borrowing of money. I found that in my own experiences as a chief of my community. Yes, you can borrow money based on your mortgages, but when I purchased on behalf of the band and the neighbouring ranch, Harper Ranch, they wouldn't accept leases. Because we have lots—we have a couple of thousand leases on the Kamloops reserve.
I said, we have this, and they said they were interested in the FNGST—the first nations goods and services sales tax—so we were able to leverage that. When you go to the banking institutions, they want to be able to have something that's a little bit more secure than a lease.