It would be the Queen's Bench for any jurisdiction.
Now just to segue, we're looking at the Indian Act and at how wills and estates affect first nations in their daily lives. As a committee, we sit here and look at ways to help first nations on a daily basis. We can look at how South Africa back in the 1920s used the Indian Act as a template for apartheid. In this current day and age, in 2014, we're still under the Indian Act. However, back in the 1990s, South Africa got rid of apartheid and basically almost got rid of the entire Indian Act.
Maybe Carolyn can add some input here too. I think it might be an excellent idea to look at how the Indian Act may have been dismantled in South Africa. In the sense that it's on both sides of the world, and that the Indian Act and apartheid were so similar, what would the consequences be if wills and estates were dismantled in the same manner that apartheid was? That could be an option to look at it. Maybe there could be a further study.
Do you have any input or are you aware of any similarities between wills and estates through the South African apartheid process and wills and estates under the Indian Act currently?