To answer your question, I don't know the bill in detail, but I would add this in terms of approach, and it will go back to the comments that Pamela made on engagement. We hear from other jurisdictions in Canada that we do have good management laws for natural resources, and specifically forest management, which we work with. However, there are very clear shortcomings when it comes to the rights of indigenous peoples in this country as perceived internationally, and also the protection of biodiversity, namely woodland caribou for the forestry. That's clear internationally. I think this law can recognize how we can co-manage our natural resources. That's an improvement I think this law can look after.
Based on our new standard with the UN declaration and FPIC, we're going to evolve toward this landscape approach. We're going to call it indigenous cultural landscape to integrate these two concepts. I believe it is a way forward that will cement the responsible management of natural resources, not only forestry, but also mining and oil and gas.