Yes, please.
I agree with everything that Ms. Silva has said.
I would also emphasize that the UN declaration act recognizes that the UN declaration is an instrument that recognizes fundamental human rights, so our section 35 rights are incorporated in that, but it's broader than that and expands to a whole panoply of rights, actually, that have been recognized by indigenous peoples throughout the world as being key.
I certainly agree with self-determination.
I would also highlight article 21, which states that “indigenous people have the improvement of their economic and social conditions, the areas of education, employment” and “housing”. That is underlined, as well as “sanitation” and “social security”.
Most importantly, in point number two, article 21 says, “States shall take effective measures and, where appropriate, special measures to ensure continuing improvement of their economic and social conditions.”
I think this is a really important provision in the declaration and underscores that it's not just “effective measures”. In fact, “special measures” may have to be taken in order to redress social situations and lack of housing.