I'll tell you, our communities are struggling. We are in the process of working outside of this with Bill C-92. It really is looking at what is happening to our communities, why the kids are being taken, and what kinds of services these kids have.
We've heard time and time again—and I'm sure everybody hears it across Canada—about mental health services for children. In Saskatchewan, you are on a two-year waiting list to get your child in for any kind of an assessment. People languish. Kids end up in correctional systems, or what have you, because we cannot give them the support they need at the times they need it. There's such a lack of programming. I mean, the provincial government isn't doing a great job of being in loco parentis, which means that the minister is their father. It's ridiculous.
We know. We don't need Canada or Saskatchewan to come into our communities and tell us what we're doing wrong; we know what's happening. It's been systematic. They've been doing it wrong, and it's time for us to take our kids back and figure out our own way to deal with this in our community.