First of all, I did not agree with the government. We did it on our own. It was absolutely clear; it was our decision to do this.
Second, I cannot tell you what the outcome of the review is, but as I've said many times, I believe the ISPs are vital to having a competitive market. I quoted you one of the leading ISPs actually saying the same thing, that if it wasn't for our rules, they wouldn't exist anymore. We forced the large companies to sell to them at the same speed as they sell themselves. We insisted it be sold at cost-plus so that there was enough of a margin to obtain business. They are the drivers of innovation. That is absolutely clear.
It has happened that a lot of the very heavy users have become clients of those small ISPs who don't have a limit. What we are saying is most of the caps that will be imposed for people are for those who are really excessive users. If you are someone who uses far more than the ordinary Canadian, then you have to pay for it. This is the same thing as if you heat your house warmer than I do. There is an average rate that people pay, and if you really are an excessive user, or a heavy user—I won't say excessive, as it's up to you to determine how much you want—you have to pay for it. This is very simple.
I don't see why the general, ordinary user should subsidize the heavy users. This decision affects 500,000 people. We have 9 million subscribers. All of them are subject to caps right now. We are talking about those 500,000 customers, and not all of them, obviously, only those who are heavy users. We should put this in proportion.
We will make the decision on the basis of submissions that have come before us, and I'm sure people will say the way we did it was too rigid, and second, the discount of 15% is not enough. It has to be a higher one, and maybe that's it. We will look at it with fresh eyes and open minds. I don't have a fixed idea. The principle to me is clear. The ordinary guy should not subsidize the heavy user.
Are the modalities being used correctly or can we do it better? I don't claim to have a monopoly on wisdom. We made our decision on the basis of evidence before us, and thanks to this publicity, I'm sure there will be all sorts of new evidence come before us. As a result of it, the decision may be different or we may reaffirm. I can't tell you this right away.