First, with respect to the position of governments, there is a deemed trust, essentially a super-priority that ranks ahead of almost all creditors, for the Canada Revenue Agency. That is limited to amounts that have been taken from an employee's pay for employment insurance, Canada Pension Plan contributions, and the income tax payable by the employee that the employer has taken from their paycheque but has not given to CRA. That amount gets paid ahead of almost all other creditors.
The next level is for property taxes, which is a municipal tax. Property taxes are ranked at a preferred level, so they are below secured creditors. They are actually low on the preferred list, so they come after wage earners, etc., on the preferred rankings.
For the amounts owed to governments--for example, if the corporation owes taxes, or anything else--the government typically is treated as an unsecured creditor. So any corporate taxes payable are at the unsecured level.