When a business owner is considering spending a lot of money, especially if theirs is a small business, they look at where they should file an application first. Their first consideration should be where their biggest market is. They know it costs between $20,000 and $25,000 to file an application. If a small business takes in $500,000 to $1 million, some $20,000 or $25,000 is a pretty hefty sum. The owner's first consideration has to be the markets where they want to sell their goods or services.
In Canada and elsewhere, people file applications in the biggest markets first. That is not unique to Canada; we see it in other countries as well. Canadians will file in the U.S. or Europe, for instance, before filing in Canada. They can apply in a number of countries. But what it comes down to is money, resources. When a business has limited resources, its top priority is to protect the market where its goods are going to sell. That is why a business would go somewhere else before Canada.