I'd like to highlight four of them. It's not that we would say, “Stop the bill and make these happen”, but in our mind, they would make for a better bill.
For example, in paragraph 7(1)(b), which is collect without consent in certain circumstances, we would also like to have a reference to collecting for the purpose of detecting, preventing, and suppressing fraud. We have the right to disclose for that purpose. Just to balance it out, having the right to collect would sort of be the other bookend to that.
We would also propose a small change to proposed paragraph 7(3)(d.2), and that's in the written submission we gave. It's to make sure we really have the ability to conduct those fraud analytics in a way that was recommended by the Ontario fraud task force.
A third change is with respect to proposed paragraph 7(3)(c.1). This is the provision that says you don't have to give access when someone makes an access request in certain circumstances. There's a reference in proposed paragraph 7(3)(c.1) to no access. We want to make sure there should be no access if the information is collected as part of the work product. We've added that work product aspect to the bill if we're able to collect information as part of a work product.
For example, insurers have claims files, adjusters have claims files, and we collect personal information in those claims files. In those claims files is also the reserve amount that has been set for that particular claim. It would be quite inappropriate in our mind to have to release the amount of that reserve amount for a particular claim via a PIPEDA request at the request of the person who is at the other side of the transaction. We would like to have that fixed if we could.
The fourth item is with respect to paragraph 9(3)(a). An amendment has been made already under Bill S-4. We suggest in addition to having solicitor-client privilege, that litigation privilege also be a basis for that.
I would not stop the bill from being passed, but just have those changes. It would be a better world.