I'd like to go to the Business Coalition for Balanced Copyright.
Some members have come to this committee and there was a demonstration on the Hill a little while ago about how some of these infringing technologies work, the Kodi boxes. They showed us a box that had links to web servers' content for rights holders. Clearly it's organized theft and it's a problem we need to look at.
I'd like your thoughts on what constitutes a market failure or a legal or government failure, especially in terms of what Mr. Fewer said. The significant amount of content they showed us was in a huge number of languages from all over the world, and much of that content is legally unavailable in Canada. In their brief the Public Interest Advocacy Centre referred to expanding the definition of piracy so that it covers accessibility and foreign language content.
Should content that is not legally available be considered pirated content? Obviously, for many consumers who want to have access to those stations in the language of their choice, that's their only option. Could you give us your group's opinion on it?