Thank you, Chair, and the committee for inviting the Canadian Chamber to take part in your study on the impacts of Canada's regulatory structure on small businesses.
Challenges with Canada’s regulatory frameworks have long been a key issue for a large portion of our network of over 200,000 members, which are small companies.
While the myriad government rules and regulations that permeate nearly all business activity in Canada exist for a reason, whether it be maintaining market integrity, environmental safety or consumer protections, they also create a costly and uncertain environment to start or grow a business. This is especially true for small companies that lack the specialized and dedicated compliance resources of larger firms. For a small business owner, every hour spent on administrative and compliance activities has huge opportunity costs. It is one less hour spent on productive work, such as acquiring new customers, improving a product or service, or training their employees.
Last May the Canadian Chamber published a report, “Death by 130,000 Cuts”, which takes its name from the over 130,000 federal requirements that impose an administrative burden on business. In it, we made several recommendations about how the government could improve Canada’s regulatory competitiveness. I believe a copy of that should have been distributed to the members beforehand.
Its message to the government is that in addition to reducing red tape, we need to tackle the root causes of our regulatory problems. The cumulative burden is one symptom of poor regulatory processes. Without changes to how departments and agencies develop regulations, any of the gains that we might see from regulatory and red tape efficiency exercises will continue to be erased.
To reduce the cumulative burden that disproportionately affects small companies, we would like to see the Treasury Board expand the one-for-one rule, so that in addition to administrative requirements resulting from regulations, it also applies to requirements from legislation, departmental guidelines and other policies. Filling in this gap would certainly help control the overall growth in red tape.
The chamber would also recommend that the government amend the current one-for-one rule and establish a temporary two-for-one rule to remove two administrative requirements for every one that is introduced. This is not a radical idea. As we know, B.C. had tremendous success with this approach in the early 2000s, which resulted in a 36% reduction in regulatory requirements between 2001 and 2004. The Government of Manitoba and our neighbours to the south in the U.S. are using their own versions of a two-for-one rule right now.
I understand that this study is also looking at how to support small companies through international regulatory alignment. Removing non-tariff trade barriers is important for small firms, and the chamber has been an active participant in the Canada-U.S. regulatory co-operation council and the nascent discussions around regulatory co-operation through CETA.
However, for most small businesses this is putting the cart way before the horse. We need to find a way to address the tyranny of small regulatory differences that exist between provinces in Canada. They are a serious deterrent for a small company considering expansion within this country, and for many of them Canadian expansion is a precursor to trying to do business internationally.
The new Canadian Free Trade Agreement is a definite improvement on the old agreement on internal trade, but still has its shortcomings, and the regulatory reconciliation mechanism is the most important one. The CFTA promises that there will future negotiation on regulatory alignment when what is needed now is big, bold commitments to mutual recognition.
While we appreciate that many of the decisions regarding these differences are within the purview of the provinces, who all have distinct interests, the federal government holds many carrots and sticks to help advance this work. It cannot be overstated how important legitimate progress on interprovincial trade and regulatory barriers is to addressing the issues being considered in this study.
In our report, we recommended that all regulators be given economic competitiveness and innovation considerations in their mandates. Protection and prosperity are not an either/or proposition, yet many regulators are not achieving a balance between the two in their decision-making, because they are not required to do so.
We were pleased when November’s fall economic statement said the government would explore making regulatory efficiency and economic growth a permanent part of regulator mandates. The chamber would very strongly encourage the House to take up and pass legislation in this regard as soon as possible. For small firms, this could be more important than the existing Treasury Board’s small business lens. If implemented correctly, it would encourage departments and agencies to be more proportionate in their regulatory actions and ensure that growth is an economic outcome that all regulators are working toward.
The fall economic statement also responded to another of our recommendations in stating that the government would establish an external advisory committee on regulatory competitiveness. In addition to ensuring that the committee has sufficient small business representation, we'd recommend building accountability into its structure. This can be done by adopting a comply or explain approach to the committee’s work. This would mean that the government would need to either implement the committee’s recommendations or at the very least publicly explain why it will not.
Last, relevant to this study, we agree with the need to make our regulatory frameworks more nimble. This is especially important for innovative small firms. The traditional command and control, regulate and forget models are not sufficient for today’s rapidly changing markets and technologies. We need more iterative, outcome- and risk-based regulatory approaches.
We are supportive of the commitment to create a centre for regulatory innovation that was in the fall economic statement. Again, implementation will be critical. This initiative cannot be designed by civil servants for civil servants. It needs to be set up with the input of small innovative firms that are currently bumping up against our antiquated regulatory frameworks.
Many of the government programs and pilot projects that are established to support innovative businesses tend to be more focused on minimizing or eliminating risk to departments than on the needs of companies. Think of SR and ED, the build in Canada innovation program and many others this committee is familiar with.
Departments do not do well with risk-based approaches. They layer in all kinds of bureaucracy as a security blanket, which can make these programs inaccessible or more trouble than they are worth for many small companies.
I’ll wrap up here with a final comment. Looking back, there have been many, many whole-of-government and regulator-specific efforts to improve the regulatory environment for small, medium-sized and large companies in Canada. Despite some of their successes, there has been a continued growth in the complexity, inconsistency and unpredictability of Canada’s regulatory environment.
This is a self-imposed barrier to growth and we—government, businesses and all other stakeholders—need to be more bold and ambitious if we want to reverse this trend. Doing so will have tremendous long-term economic benefits for all Canadians.
Thank you.