I think we're getting closer, Mr. Baylis, with what you've proposed. We're not there yet, but we're getting close.
Essentially, where I come from, we talk about 360 reviews. Has everyone heard of a 360 review before? A 360 review means that the review needs to happen on the top, on the bottom, and everywhere in between, because you can find a tonne of useful information while you're doing it.
What we're talking about right now is doing a 360 review but not including anybody on the top. It's just as impractical as doing a 360 review and not including the agencies.
This side of the table is asking that we concurrently move on both. Let's have the agencies here. Let's have the ministers here. If the ministers are that packed, which I believe they are, especially Minister Bains, who has a very large portfolio, we don't want to wait until we're done to ask Minister Bains to join us.
We want to schedule this thing so that we can have it all happen and be as fruitful as we need to be. Wasting half an hour here, to me, is worth it to make sure that we don't waste five weeks two months down the road.