It's good to be back. Thank you, Chair.
I have a question about an announcement that was made about the digital Northwest Territories initiative that received $2.7 million to provide digital literacy resources across the Northwest Territories. This question is to the officials, not the minister, although I appreciate that the minister is here.
Specifically, it's $2.7 million, and the description is, similar to what was said in the news release:
The digital Northwest Territories initiative will provide digital literacy resources and courses customized to the unique needs of Indigenous peoples and residents in the Northwest Territories.
The reason I'm here is that I am critic for northern affairs and Northern Economic Development Agency. That's why I'm borrowing this seat for a time.
As more specifics about the grant, the multi-year grant or contribution is dated 2018-19 to 2021-22. The recipient's operating name is Tides Canada Initiatives Society. The federal riding name is Vancouver East.
Essentially, that's my question and that's where I get a little concerned, because in representing the north, we see monies earmarked for the north and it triggered a little question: Why is it ending up in Vancouver East when it's earmarked for the Northwest Territories?
Here is a bit more, regarding the news release:
DigitalNWT will develop resources and courses customized for the unique needs of the people living in the communities across the territory. The initiative, a project on Tides Canada's shared platform....
Again, the concern is whether the money is actually going to get to the people of the Northwest Territories. I'm concerned about the specifics. I really have two questions for you. Regarding the group that is mentioned, Tides Canada, I'll use several sources. One source says:
U.S. tax returns and other documents show The Sierra Club of B.C. has been paid at least $99, Tides, including funds earmarked “to stop the Enbridge and Kinder Morgan pipelines, including working with First Nations.”
Another source says:
Tides also paid $373, the Great Bear Initiative Society, led by Art Sterritt. That included funds specifically earmarked for responding to the media.
My concern is based on the affiliations of this particular group, Tides. I'll ask this in an official capacity, because I'm looking for more documents. Specifically, it hasn't really been said how this money is going to be spent. As we know, $2.7 million is a lot of money. Based on, again, this group's prior initiatives, I'm very concerned that this money is going in a direction that not all in Parliament would support.
I would like any documents related to the funding approval. That's my first request. I'd be happy if you could provide those documents today, but I understand it might take some time.
My second question is one that you can answer today: Were you instructed by the government to disregard this organization's anti-development narrative when approving this funding?