I would just underscore that carbon capture is important for several reasons. First, we've talked a bit about, if I can call it, “conventional” energy, oil and gas, in Canada. We will maximize the lifespan of that energy with carbon capture and storage. That's the first point.
Second, if we create the opportunity for a blue hydrogen industry, which can use our fossil fuel resources, natural gas and much of our existing energy infrastructure, pipelines and others, we need carbon capture and storage for that.
Third, we need it for many of our industrial processes.
Fourth, we have much of the expertise. We have the geology that can support it and we also have entrepreneurial companies in direct air capture. I think there are measures that are being taken in that regard. We need to make sure they're adequate. There are good, I understand, test examples out there, real projects that are out there. There's a new project that's being proposed by ATCO and Suncor on the hydrogen side, and I think that will show whether we have the adequate support in place to help build this industry, which will be essential.