That is one of the problems that Option consommateurs raised in its brief. There are some good aspects to Bill C-27, since the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada is given the power to issue orders, and the bill provides for administrative monetary penalties of up to $10 million or 3% of sales. That's meaningful.
However, this punitive system does have flaws. The office of the commissioner will only have the power to recommend these administrative monetary penalties, which only the specialized tribunal can then impose. This process seems to us too long and unnecessary. Furthermore, these administrative monetary penalties do not cover all breaches of the act. We believe that any breach of the act should be subject to an administrative monetary penalty, imposed directly by the office of the commissioner.
We see no reason to delay the imposing of such a penalty by referring the matter to a court. If the office of the commissioner chooses to impose an administrative monetary penalty, it is because it has made numerous representations regarding that company, it has warned it several times and the decision is carefully considered. So I don't see why the process would be slowed down.
In Quebec, the Commission d'accès à l'information du Québec can directly impose administrative monetary penalties. Recently, a new bill was passed in Quebec that enables the Office de la protection du consommateur to impose administrative monetary penalties directly, as well. We do not see why the federal government could not do what's being done in Quebec.