I call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 120 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Industry and Technology.
Today's meeting is taking place in a hybrid format, pursuant to the Standing Orders.
Colleagues, I hope that you all had a good week in your constituencies.
Before we begin, I would like to remind all members and other meeting participants in the room of the following important preventative measures.
To prevent disruptive and potentially harmful audio feedback incidents that can cause injuries, all in-person participants are reminded to keep their earpieces away from all microphones at all times.
As stated in the Speaker's press release sent to all members of Parliament today, Monday, April 29, the following measures have been taken to help prevent acoustic incidents.
All earpieces have been replaced with a model that significantly reduces the likelihood of an acoustic incident. The new earpieces are black, while the old ones were grey. Please use only the approved black earpieces. By default, all unused earpieces at the start of a meeting will be disconnected. When you aren't using your earpiece, please place it in the middle of the sticker on the table, face down, as shown in the image. Please refer to the cards on the table for guidelines on preventing acoustic incidents.
As you can see, the layout of the room has also been changed to increase the distance between the microphones and lower the risk of feedback caused by a nearby earpiece.
These measures are in place so that we can carry out our activities without interruption and to protect the health and safety of all participants, including and especially the interpreters, whose work we greatly appreciate.
Now, colleagues, here are a few things that I would like us to discuss at the end of the meeting.
Mainly, they include an invitation for the minister on Rio Tinto and the main estimates. However, we'll keep that towards the end.
Oh, you won't be here Rick. Okay. We can deal with it right now and try to get it out of the way.
However, I see Brian first.