I can give you an example of a non‑confidential project between SBQuantum, which specializes in magnetometer technologies, and Solmax, a company operating in the environmental sector. The aim of the project is to use quantum magnetometer technologies to increase the reliability of fault detection in various buried structures that may contain contaminants. I think it's a great project, with the Quebec government investing $747,000 out of a total budget of $1.5 million. The two companies have also invested in this project. So it's a great example of a project funded through a call for projects from the Government of Quebec.
Calls for projects are very interesting because there are different parts to them. It is possible to support a start‑up, an SME, a project involving two companies like the one I just mentioned, or a project involving one or more companies in the research community.
I know it's not very attractive, but I have a fairly large list of project titles here. It includes a project to develop diamond synthesis processes for applications in quantum technology. This is always done at room temperature, as it has been understood that diamond can be a quantum material.
So these are the kinds of projects we have. I invite you to visit the Québec Quantique website. As Mr. Gagnon‑Gordillo knows very well, for each of the projects funded, particularly between two companies or between research centres and companies, there is a kind of sheet that explains the objective, the problem to be solved and the amounts invested.
For some of the projects, there is sometimes a counterpart, beyond the Quebec government's investment, that is, top‑up funding from granting agencies such as NSERC.