Regarding services, the example that first pops to mind is that we have world-class exporters in services in the insurance industry. The two that are best known are Sun Life and Manulife. They have been extremely successful in a number of Asian countries, and one would believe that if they had access to the proper licences, there would be a real opportunity for them in such countries.
While I am not in a position to comment on what the intentions of either of them might be, you only have to look at the statistics from Manulife to understand what the potential benefit might be here in Canada. In the case of Manulife, 75% of their operations are outside Canada, but 50% of their jobs are inside Canada. So there are some real opportunities just in that one example in services.
Another opportunity, obviously, is Research In Motion, the Canadian flagship that would be creating more jobs, both in Canada and, frankly, in Korea, if they were able to access that market.
The banking industry is another one.
So there's a list you can go down to see that Canada has some significant competitive advantage, which a free trade agreement would be very beneficial towards.