Mr. Chairman, honourable members, ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much. I appreciate the opportunity to come before you to talk about some of these important issues about the free trade agreement that's currently being negotiated with Colombia.
I want to make a few points, and I'll just quickly summarize them at the beginning.
First of all, the extractive industry corporations that are investing in Colombia are operating in a conflict zone, and they're more likely to become complicit in violations of human rights that might be committed by the security forces that are protecting their business interests. They operate there with very little legal liability. Canada has no law to address this governance gap, and voluntary codes of conduct and voluntary self-regulation regimes are not effective in ensuring that corporations are not complicit in these violations.
I'm going to say also that a free trade agreement with Colombia will not improve the human rights situation. What it will do is increase protections for corporate actors, and it may also restrict Colombia's capacity to regulate in order to protect human rights. It will impose no legal obligations on corporate actors to ensure they respect human rights.
We've heard some discussion today about the situation in Colombia. As I said, those companies that are operating in the extractive industry have the possibility of becoming complicit in egregious violations of human rights that might be committed either by public security forces that are also supported by the paramilitary, or by private security forces, or even by guerrilla forces that may be extracting money to protect those business interests. Corporations that operate in rural Colombia cannot operate as neutral entities in this ongoing civil conflict.
I said that corporations operate in a regulatory void. No general international law or international human rights law clearly imposes direct obligations on corporations to respect human rights. There's little chance that the host government, such as Colombia, whose forces are among the perpetrators of grave violations of human rights in protecting certain extractive industries, will regulate the human rights impacts of corporate activity. There's no clear international legal obligation on home states like Canada to ensure that their business entities take steps to ensure their companies respect human rights standards and international humanitarian law and are not complicit in violations of human rights when they're operating abroad.
Canada has no effective legal mechanisms in place to ensure that Canadian companies that operate in conflict zones like Colombia don't become complicit in human rights violations. This is despite the fact that they actually have extensive authority and capacity under international law to regulate corporate nationals extraterritorially. There's no Canadian law that requires corporations to adopt a human rights code of conduct, perform human rights impact assessments, mitigate any assessed human rights impacts before investing in a conflict zone, or arrange for independent monitoring, all in order to ensure that Canadian investment abroad does not contribute to or profit from violations of human rights. All of this is left to the discretion of the company.
The government has preferred to rely on corporate discretion to adopt voluntary self-regulation regimes. These voluntary codes or privatized self-regulation instruments raise serious concerns about their effectiveness in ensuring that corporate actors respect human rights or are not complicit in violations of human rights when they're operating in conflict zones. Few of these instruments that include the OECD guidelines for multinational enterprises, the global compact, and the voluntary principles deal sufficiently with human rights issues associated with corporate activity in conflict zones. They don't provide effective compliance mechanisms or either reporting or verification standards, and essentially it's not in the public interest for corporate entities to frame their own obligations or verify their own conduct in relation to human rights. So violations of human rights are likely to continue or complicity might continue while corporations are being regulated only by voluntary codes of conduct.
An FTA, a free trade agreement, will not improve the human rights situation in Colombia or address this governance gap. There's no necessary link between trade liberalization and investment protections created by free trade agreements, on the one hand, and democratic development, the protection of human rights, and the rule of law on the other. Unless they're explicitly designed to do so, trade and investment agreements will not automatically protect human rights, and can, in fact, undermine the protection of human rights. These agreements create strong protections for corporations, but impose no correlative obligations to respect human rights. In addition, some of these provisions can operate to restrict the capacity of the host state, like Colombia, to regulate in the public interest, including in ways that would promote and protect human rights.
So how will they constrain Colombia's capacity to regulate in the public interest? Well, just very briefly, where domestic laws or regulations or policies of the host state violate substantive provisions like national treatment, most favoured nation obligations, and pre-establishment rights, and then have a negative effect on protected investment, the foreign companies concerned can take the host state, such as Colombia, to binding international arbitration. The Colombian government may be required to pay high sums in compensation—in the hundreds of millions of dollars in some cases. This is even the case where such laws or regulations are introduced to protect or promote or fulfill human rights.
These agreements also have restrictive termination provisions, so Colombia could not simply withdraw from the agreement if it found that the agreement were restricting its capacity to respect, protect, and fulfill human rights. This Colombia-Canada agreement would likely remain in force for 15 years after it were terminated.
A free trade agreement will, therefore, create more rights for corporations and no obligations; and there will be no obligations on the home states of corporations in relation to investor conduct.
So Canada's model investment provisions create strong rights for investors that can be enforced under international law through binding arbitration, with no requirement to exhaust local remedies. In contrast, there are no obligations for investors or their home states. So there are no provisions that require corporations to respect internationally recognized human rights, that is, to do no harm.
There are no obligations on investor corporations to conduct and make pre-establishment impact assessments of their proposed investments or to mitigate any assessed negative impact.
If a labour side agreement or chapter is negotiated, it will only cover labour issues. It will not include legal obligations for corporations to comply with labour laws. Any labour chapter or side agreement that's negotiated, even if it has a stronger dispute settlement resolution mechanism and complaint mechanism than the North American Agreement on Labour Cooperation, will not address the key human rights violations that have been attributed to the Colombian military, which protects extractive industries, or attributed to paramilitaries.
There are no obligations on corporations to screen security forces or to conduct human rights training of those forces, or to disclose payments to the host state government or to guerrilla forces. Corporations that do these things will still have access to the dispute resolution settlement provisions of any free trade agreement.
There are no provisions that require the home state, such as Canada, to create a right of action or to ensure access to the courts for victims of human rights violations committed by corporate nationals of the home state, or if those nationals are complicit in such violations.
There are no provisions that require the home state, such as Canada, to prosecute any corporate nationals who may commit or become complicit in egregious violations of human rights constituting international crimes, such as war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide.
In closing, I'd like to argue that at the very least, a free trade agreement with Colombia—which has such terrible human rights problems, and is a country in conflict—should include minimum obligations that actually require transnational corporations operating there to be responsible for ensuring that their activities do not contribute directly or indirectly to human rights abuses, and that they do not benefit from those abuses; that they shall not commit or be complicit in violations of human rights or humanitarian law; that any security arrangements of these corporations observe international human rights norms, as well as the laws and professional standards of Colombia; and that any companies intending to operate there undertake independent risk assessment that includes human rights and humanitarian consequences of the proposed activities and assume the responsibility of getting the consent and cooperation of the Colombian government to facilitate this independent risk assessment and any ongoing monitoring of the subsequent investment.
In addition, at the very least there should be obligations on corporate investors to respect internationally recognized labour rights.
Thank you.