On the security front, there are a host of things we can do if our U.S. counterparts are willing to proactively work with us and look at different ways of achieving the same result in terms of security. That's really what, in some ways, the North American security and prosperity initiative is trying to do. It's trying to identify security-related issues and get ahead of them in terms of the kinds of technologies that we need at the border, the kinds of information bases that we need, and the ways in which we can carry out inspections of cargo or identification of people.
It's a long, arduous, detailed, grubby path, but you have to have somebody on the other end who is willing to say, “Okay, let's try it this way. That sounds like a good idea.” What we're finding is that there is very little responsiveness so far, and that has been a source of great frustration, which is why I expressed myself the way I did in Miami.
So there's a lot we can do, and we are stepping up and doing it. We have to ensure that Canada's security systems are at least as good as those in the U.S. They don't have to be identical, but just as a matter of Canadian security, quite apart from the need to be compatible with our biggest trading partner, we need to continue to step up our own security systems, technologies, approaches, and so on.
On the RIM question, RIM is one company, but it is a global champion now. It is probably the most well-known Canadian brand in the world today. In every market, they go in and they have to find distributors for their product and they have to ensure that there's technical compatibility with the telecommunications technical standards in that country. It therefore becomes a multi-year exercise for RIM, working with us and with the government in a country like China. We're always there to help them, to open doors, to make calls, to make sure any of the impediments they're encountering are not simply protectionist impediments.
We try, government to government, to break down some of the barriers and open doors, and we've done that in a variety of markets with RIM. We also do it with Bombardier in various markets, we do it with SNC-Lavalin, and we're doing something with Methanex in Argentina and Chile. We're constantly listening to the issues that Canadian companies are running into in terms of foreign governments, and we are strategically intervening to try to ensure that Canadian companies are not being disadvantaged.
In terms of global supply chains, there are a number of Canadian success stories, RIM being one of them. Bombardier is another one, and SNC-Lavalin is another one. What it really involves is companies being willing to put investments and a corporate footprint in the different markets in which they want to participate around the world, being prepared to shunt people around their value-creating network, and being able to allocate research around the network and have distribution systems. All of that is driven by ensuring a high-level of customer satisfaction, just-in-time delivery of product, and all of the quality attributes that the global consumer now demands because the competition is there to take it away.