Thank you very much for tying me in from Regina today.
To start off, Mr. Chair, what I would like to do is give a little bit of a background to committee members on my background and my perspective on what I'd like to talk about today.
I am sitting here as the chair of the SME advisory council for the international trade minister and the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. What I'd really like to talk about is my experience and perspective as an SME growing my global business over the last decade.
If I take a step backwards, I'm actually an entrepreneur. My first job out of university was with the Trade Commissioner Service. I spent a short-term assignment at the Canadian embassy in Washington and then spent eight years on the international trade promotion side of the Saskatchewan government prior to starting my own company in 2001.
I'm going to come with a unique perspective as someone who has been involved with international trade promotion from a government service perspective, but also as someone who has been very actively involved in building a global business.
My company today, Alliance Grain Traders, is headquartered in Regina. We started in 2001 with a blank sheet of paper and a business plan to build a global value-added processor of lentils, peas, chickpeas, and beans.
We built a processing plant in Regina, Saskatchewan, which we commissioned in 2003. Since 2003, in the last eight years we've expanded that one processing plant to 29 processing plants located in five continents around the world. We are now an exporter to 108 countries around the world, exporting value-added peas, lentils, chickpeas, beans, durum wheat products, pasta products, rice, and other value-added food items.
What I want to start with is a little bit of a perspective. The world is now an open market to SMEs. When we look at the openness of the world market, we look at the advent of communication technologies, which has really opened up the perspective and access of SMEs to emerging markets around the world. We have the Internet. We have communication, email, and all types of mobile devices that allow us to be connected with our customers around the world.
However, when we look at the Canadian economy, it's very striking that we continue to see a strong reliance on the U.S. market in terms of a total percentage of our exports, which of course isn't a surprising scenario with the large market that's our neighbour right to the south.
However, it's very apparent that as we continue to expand our global reach around the world, emerging markets and new market opportunities must be a focus of the Canadian economy to be able to achieve the growth and prosperity agenda that we've set forward for the coming decades.
Net export revenue international customers are really what create value for our economy and for SMEs. When we look at that value creation, we have to examine how to access markets. When we look at how to access markets, we see a number of key critical elements. When we look at the governmental agenda today, we see many aspects of this. One is the bilateral free trade agenda, including market access, both on a tariff and non-tariff trade barrier side, and taking control of that agenda from a Canadian perspective. Driving market priorities out to different markets is, I think, a very key part of accessing markets for our SMEs.
When we look at the openness and the vastness of the global market, support services to SMEs, as they go into non-traditional markets, are a very critical element of success for Canadian businesses abroad. When we look at what we expect to have for SMEs, we see that really need to continue to build those road maps to qualified buyers, qualified projects, qualified partners, and qualified opportunities and markets around the world.
When we look at another element of market access and how to access markets, we see that regulatory issues in emerging markets are a big and complex issue that may be beyond the resources of any individual SME, although collectively, when we look at tackling those issues, we have a lot of strength in terms of a Canadian approach to looking at those things. Then, of course, we have the very critical elements of dispute resolution and problem resolution in markets that are very far away.
When I look at it overall, the Trade Commissioner Service, to our business, is really an extension of our sales and marketing force around the world.
For any one SME, to have salespeople and marketing people who understand the local economy, the regulatory environment, and the players in each individual market and each region of the world is not something we can do all on our own. A collective approach, a Canadian approach, in these markets gives us a significant market access advantage over our competitors.
My company, Alliance Grain, with processing plants throughout the northern-tier states of the U.S. as well as a plant in China, four plants in Australia, South Africa, Turkey, and four plants and operations in Europe, has access to many different trade promotion agencies and support services. I can tell you that when I travel 180 days a year into emerging markets, my only stop is the Canadian high commissions and consulates and embassies abroad. We have built a network and a system whereby we are really head and shoulders above our market competition in the world in terms of the services we offer.
We do have our challenges, though, in terms of the Trade Commissioner Service. I think the consistency of service from embassy to embassy abroad is something that we definitely need to work on. We need to look at the interaction of Canada-based officers and locally engaged staff to ensure that we have the proper mix of local knowledge and Canadian economy knowledge to get results.
I'm very much a results-based management person, as many private business people are. We are everywhere today. As Glen mentioned in his presentation earlier, I think there's certainly a lot of room to look at resources: where they're allocated today, where they need to be expanded, where we're going to get the biggest bang for our buck. When we look at the market access priorities, the emerging markets of the world—the BRIC countries of Brazil, Russia, India, and China—and then we look at emerging regional economic powers, we see the world is changing over the last decade. Countries on our radar screen today are countries like Turkey. That country is now achieving very different prominence post-Arab Spring. As a financial and economic centre in a region of relative instability, it's become a very stable force to allow us market access in that region.
There are also countries like the United Arab Emirates and Dubai—the transformational story of the UAE as a logistics, finance, and transportation centre for the GCC countries and for the Middle East region. These are the types of economic realities that are emerging, along with a large opportunity for Canadian businesses.
In relation to the free trade agenda, one of the things we continue to communicate to the department is the need to ensure that we are commercializing the FTAs. It's one thing to sign them; it's another thing to actually bring the benefits home. In terms of the ability to commercialize the free trade agreements and the bilateral agenda, we need to ensure that we have commercialization frameworks that can be developed and replicated to ensure that we're bringing home the economic advantage of those particular agreements around the world.
Glen mentioned the integrative trade model. One of the things we continue at our committee to be very vocal on is the need and the requirement to recognize that Canadian direct investment abroad is a very important aspect of the competitiveness agenda of Canadian exporters. When I started trade promotion 17 years ago, say, in government it was all about export and it was all about import. Well, today it's about value chains, as Glen mentioned. It's about establishing those types of partnerships and investments abroad that make us very competitive.
To further the competitiveness agenda, the Trade Commissioner Service is an essential element of the economic agenda of this country. An opportunity exists with the global footprint we've established; if we refine it and tune it and put it into action, it can certainly be a very critical part of delivering the economic agenda.
The Trade Commissioner Service at EDC is of tremendous advantage to exporters and international businesses in this country. If we couple the footprint that we've developed, the recognition of the integrative model, and the support services to our exporters today with the EDC support on the credit insurance and financing side of things, we again are in a position where we don't have competition on that basis.
It's a great benefit that EDC and the others are commercially self-sustaining, meaning we don't need taxpayer dollars to subsidize it. We look at that advantage. It's real, it's created, and it can continue to be expanded.
An aggressive FTA, the free trade agenda, is certainly an element of competitiveness. In terms of the multilateral negotiations that we continue to be part of, we have to achieve consensus with many other countries to drive an agenda. We're only one voice in that, but in a bilateral free trade agenda, we get to pick our spots. We get to drive the agenda. If we commercialize it, we get to bring those benefits home. As a businessperson, I am very supportive of that type of initiative.
The focus on international partnerships in research and development, manufacturing, distribution, and value-added economic activity is an essential part of what the Trade Commissioner Service does for us. They are the eyes and ears out there in the world.
As a wrap-up, I want to give you a couple of other quick perspectives.
We went from being an exporter that did our first $10,000 of revenue in 2003 on the export side to around $800 million of export in 2011. It was very quick growth in a short nine years of history. We even got to a point where we thought we were big enough to not need the Trade Commissioner Service as we were growing up, but it has become very apparent to me that as we get bigger, our problems are just more complex.
I'll give you a very good example. We export a large amount of product to Algeria. It's a very big consumption market for Canadian green lentils. We recently—let's say two years ago—had a problem. A very small shipment of lentils ended up in a customs problem on the import side when an importer actually went bankrupt. As a result of customs rules, we couldn't free that cargo from the grasp of the Algerian customs. We worked for over 13 months to resolve a small problem. Finally, with some advice from our colleagues at Foreign Affairs, we contacted our embassy in Algiers, and within 13 days—not 13 months—our containers were released, our problem was solved, and we were able to continue on with our business.
It continued to illustrate to me the breadth and depth of the local contacts of some of our offices to allow us to solve problems.
I think, Mr. Chair, I'm going to leave it there. I would be happy to answer questions from any of the committee members.