Yes. I guess this is also Shendra's area in large measure, but there will continue to be opportunities—in fact, we hope expanded opportunities—for Canadian exports of agricultural products, including the value-added, the processed food products. But I think it's fair to say that the biggest opportunity in India in the agricultural sector is in investment and in bringing Canadian technology to the challenge of agricultural production in India.
One of the ministers that my minister, Minister Fast, met in India last year—I believe it was Minister Sharma, the Minister of Commerce—indicated that something like 40% to 60% of food spoils in India before it reaches a consumer. One of the opportunities, then, for Canadian investors with the know-how that very few countries on the planet have more abundantly than Canada, would be in helping them build their food handling system, including their cold chain facilities, and in developing value-added food processing in India.
Very recently, India opened multi-brand retail for investment by foreign firms, which means that the huge multinational firms—the Carrefours, the Walmarts—will be establishing increasingly in India. The Reliance corporation in India, one of the huge mega-firms, is planning to spend billions of dollars creating mini-marts and retail sales that provide tremendous opportunity to fill shelf space with product, both from Canada and through investment in India.