Good morning, and thank you for the opportunity to address the Standing Committee on International Trade. The SEIU-West mandate is to improve the lives of working people and their families, and together, lead the way to a more just and humane society. That is why our union is taking a stand against many proponents of the TPP. This trade agreement must be seen for what it is, a corporate bill of rights.
In fact, of the 30 chapters in the TPP, only five of them pertain to trade. While there are many areas of concern within the TPP, today our focus will be on the impact on Canadians' access to health care and our right to a democratic society free of corporate rule.
The ISDS system truly embodies the corporate power that's built into the TPP. It allows foreign investors to challenge government actions through lawsuits claiming that these actions, even actions that clearly serve the public interest, expropriate their assets. These lawsuits are heard outside the traditional court system in private tribunals whose decisions are binding.
Therefore, ISDS essentially shifts power from the courts, legislature, and our government meant to represent the people, to foreign investors and a small group of lawyers who are often called upon as arbitrators. This alternative to our court system is available only to foreign investors, thereby raising basic concerns about equality before the law.
In addition to tribunal costs and penalties, Canadian taxpayers pay the price for ISDS in the form of lost sovereignty, lost accountability, and as I outlined, higher health and drug care costs.
Under NAFTA, Canada already knows the disturbing repercussions of this process. There is evidence that Canada has been the target of more ISDS actions than any other developed country. In the pharmaceutical sector, Canada is facing a large lawsuit from a hugely profitable U.S. drug company, Eli Lilly and Company.
The Supreme Court of Canada rejected Lilly's claim for extended patent protection on two of its drugs. In an act that shows contempt for the Canadian justice system and the health needs of Canadians, Lilly has now turned to the NAFTA ISDS process and is claiming half a billion dollars from our government.
Under TPP, Canadians will likely face more costly and frivolous ISDS lawsuits like EIi Lilly's, as well as growing pharmaceutical prices due to longer waits for generic drugs. Powerful pharma companies were not satisfied with the outcome of the TPP negotiations. As a result, we expect that the pharma industry will be even more assertive in demanding the strictest interpretation of the TPP relating to medication.
In the wake of the Panama papers scandal and the recent use of tax inversion strategies by U.S. corporations like the drug giant Pfizer, we see how clearly society is warped to corporate favour, and how easy it has become for the rich and powerful to avoid the laws of democratic countries.
People around the world are recognizing and denouncing this blatant injustice, yet the TPP further entrenches corporate power. TPP will enhance patent protection for pharmaceutical companies that claim they need this enhanced protection to provide adequate financial incentives and returns for their research and development, R and D. These claims ring hollow given the large and growing profitability of the pharma sector, and stats show that the R and D to sales ratio in major pharma corporations actually fell to its lowest since 1988.
The billions of dollars in profits seen by the pharma industry have been fuelled by extremely high medication prices. One in 10 Canadians are unable to fill their prescriptions due to high prices, resulting in inhumane health outcomes for much of our population. High drug costs often lead people to ration or otherwise underuse the prescriptions they do fill. It is estimated that if Canadians were to use their prescriptions appropriately, one in six hospital visits could be eliminated and $79 billion could be saved in health care costs.
In relation to the TPP, ISDS would be a major roadblock to the implementation of a Canadian pharmacare plan. We're the only developed country in the world that has universal health care but no national drug plan.
Currently, two federal parties support a national pharmacare plan, and we know the Liberal government is making drug affordability a major priority. Yet because the TPP enhances patent protection, cheaper generics are kept off the market for longer periods of time. The only feasible way to achieve pharmacare is by ensuring affordable medications.
The TPP also reinforces privatization. If a Canadian government or public authority chose to contract out a public service, a future government with a different viewpoint could not opt to bring that service back to the public without risking a disruptive and expensive ISDS lawsuit. Of concern in Saskatchewan is the potential for further privatization of our health care. Saskatchewan contracted out its hospital laundry services and opened the doors to private MRIs. Public-private partnerships are also becoming more common.
The TPP investment chapter includes a provision on P3s, and although the footnote excludes health care, SEIU-West is concerned that arbitrators will refuse to apply the footnote to health care support systems such as maintenance, food services, admin, and other support services that contribute to the health care team. The risks posed to Canada's public health care system are seen in the European ISDS case that is included in our written submission.
It is distressing to know that a choice made by the people could be subject to interference by a corporation. Big businesses should not be able to interfere in the laws and rules of a sovereign state. If they can, how can—