Thank you for the opportunity to further elaborate.
There's global recognition right now that the current research and development system that's on the capacity to charge high prices to recover research and development costs is failing in many different ways. I was at the World Health Assembly two weeks ago, where Canada and all the member states agreed to a variety of resolutions that tried to address these issues.
First, the current innovation system does not address many unmet medical needs. Here in New York today, we're also meeting about the failure of the current innovation system to address unmet medical needs, specifically antibiotic resistance. There's little innovation going on with regard to antibiotic resistance, because a system that promotes research and development based on monopolies and high prices also promotes overuse and consumption problems with antibiotics. Of course, there are all the challenges with affordability of new medical tools. Innovation that is unaffordable is meaningless.
To further elaborate on the hepatitis C example, I think it is a perfect example. Jeffrey Sachs estimates that the private investment on research and development on boceprevir, the first cure for hepatitis C treatment, was $300 million. That cost, or that investment on research and development, has been recovered 34 times in just the first year of sales of Sofosbuvir. That company, Gilead, has made more than $10 billion in just the first year alone in selling Sofosbuvir. The CEO of Gilead has just made, in compensation, in the first year the product was on the market, more than $600 million, so double the investment on research and development.
So the TPP in a way is a missed opportunity to address the failings of the current R and D system, and it contradicts the efforts being promoted both at the World Health Assembly and here in New York, including a UN high-level panel on access to medicine that has been launched by Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, which has currently been trying to find solutions to break that link between research and development costs and investments and high prices of medicines. We would be happy to provide further evidence.
Thank you.