Let me give you an idea.
What they're doing is calculating the costs caused by a customs delay, for example. Let's talk about clearance for exports in 2014. When you look at the WTO membership, you will see that it could take between two and 11 documents and between six and 86 days to get goods out of the country. In terms of imports, it could go from two to 17 documents, depending on the country, or from four to 130 days.
All of those delays and paperwork have a certain cost for the exporters, whether they're small and medium-size, medium-sized, or large, and that's how they're calculating these benefits. With the agreement, these costs will be reduced, because the delay at borders will be minimized and the paperwork will be consolidated. That's how they're doing the assessment of the costs.
Their assessment is that Canada is already largely compliant, so our changes are relatively minimal. A country in the developing world may well have a very paperwork-heavy customs clearance procedure, so the changes in a developing country will be more significant and the benefits will therefore be larger, both for their exporters and for Canadian companies looking to export to them.