All right. Thank you.
Chair and members of the Standing Committee on International Trade, thank you for the opportunity to address the committee on the issues that concern us.
Both Dr. Tippett and I are health care professionals and have more than 30 years of experience each in the field, she as a family physician, and I as a registered nurse. We are also here representing the local chapter of the Council of Canadians.
Although it is not really possible to predict how the TPP will be interpreted or enforced, we are left to draw on our experience with previous trade agreements, such as NAFTA, and their impacts, such as the use of dispute resolution procedures.
Canada has suffered the most under investor-state dispute settlements. Our country is in first place among developed countries for the number of ISDS lawsuits against us. This has cost millions of dollars in damages. The TPP builds on the NAFTA model, but goes well beyond the traditional free trade issues.
It's very important for us to keep in mind that this was a made-in-America deal and that it was negotiated behind closed doors between U.S. corporate advisers and officials, not parliamentarians like you from participant countries.
As we are understanding now, the TPP will affect us in many ways. We want to really convey to your committee the negative impacts that the TPP will have on New Brunswickers, Canadians, and global citizens to access affordable medications.
According to a Health Council of Canada study, 21% of Canadians with the lowest income report not filling a prescription because of cost compared to 2% of those with the highest income. Rising prescription costs lead to negative health outcomes, and we have experienced it ourselves. Some studies have demonstrated that increased out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs have resulted in negative health outcomes. Older patients were less likely to fill their prescriptions when they had to pay for them. This resulted in increases in the rate of hospital admissions, emergency care, and visits to physicians.
Health Canada has stated that high prescription drug costs will rise under the pending free trade agreement. The TPP and similar trade deals will add more than $800 million to prescription drug costs in Canada at a time when our drug prices are already 26% higher than the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development median.
If the TPP is ratified, many more Canadians will experience higher costs, and this will represent a significant financial burden relative to their income. Some additional individuals will be faced with the difficult choice between putting food on the table and taking necessary medication.
The TPP requires extended patents and facilitates evergreen practices, allowing pharmaceutical companies to stay in monopoly protection for drugs whose patents are about to expire by adding new uses and modifying formulas.
Canada has made important contributions to the world's health by contributing to the development of affordable vaccines and by investing in the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria. The TPP will undermine these contributions when the provisions in it drive medicine prices up. The hardships that this agreement will impose on the poor and sick in developing countries that are part of this agreement are reason enough for Canadians to reject such abuse of intellectual property provisions.
The TPP will have profound effects on the criteria that Canada uses to decide on drug safety and effectiveness, how new drugs are approved or not for marketing, market surveillance and inspection, the listing of drugs for unpublished formularies, and how individual drugs are priced in the future.
Drug prices need to be affordable so our patients and millions of others still waiting for treatment can get the medicines they need. It is our understanding that generic competition in the production and distribution of health technology saves lives by reducing price and increasing access.
I will let Paula continue.