To answer that question, if it's flowing through Canada and Canadian companies are not doing anything that is aimed at either circumventing or evading duties that are going to the United States, then no. It may be that they're trying to use back channel ways, but whoever is filling in the import documentation would be the one who would be held accountable for that.
I'd also like to address your opening point in terms of other countries putting measures on steel while we're not, because we do have quite a lot of measures already on steel products, with quite robust margins of dumping found, so that offers a very good level of protection. If you look at some of the key products, you see that on steel plate, concrete reinforcing bar, and a lot of tubular products that are used in pipelines and whatnot, we have quite a number of findings in place that are offering good protection in our Canadian market against dumped and subsidized products.
There is a perception, perhaps, that we don't have any of these measures in place or that we're lagging behind in that sense, but I want to make sure it's clear that our industry is very active in bringing complaints forward and very successful in terms of getting measures in place.