Thank you very much, Madam Chair. I'm very happy to be here. I'm leaving the industry committee. I think we're on our 190th meeting on Bill C-27, so it's nice to be leaving that committee. I know it's good work, and we had a very collaborative and co-operative committee, and we're looking forward to that here in the international trade committee.
Madam Chair, thank you very much for convening this meeting. The members of the Conservative Party and the NDP, through Standing Order 106(4), sent a letter to the committee to have this meeting today.
What we feel right now is we're dealing with potentially the greatest trade crisis of our time. We have two fronts that are facing us right now.
On one hand, we have what seems to be a close relationship with the U.S. that is cooling. Everyone saw the announcement last week where the U.S. almost doubled the softwood lumber tariffs on Canada even though Canada really has had a great trading relationship for a long time—a trillion dollars' worth of trade across the border and about the largest trading relationship in the world. Of course, we had a $52-billion U.S. announcement for battery manufacturing and assembly in Canada, and those batteries are used in cars manufactured in the U.S.
When we talk about what's at stake here, it's jobs. Two million jobs are attributed to our trading relationship with the U.S., directly and indirectly. The auto industry is the specific one we're focused on that employs 500,000 people in Canada. It's an industry worth $18 billion to this country, and this industry right now is under threat.
That is because, on the other hand, we face a contentious relationship with China. We've had allegations of foreign interference. We've had unfair trade practices, and when we talk about EVs, aluminum and steel—and I'm still the competition critic—I can tell you right now that the way China subsidizes these industries, especially their EVs, their steel and their aluminum.... It's not just the subsidization; it's the questionable trade practices and the questionable labour standards that they have. This is a really big threat to that trillion-dollar trade relationship we have with the U.S., but specifically to the auto manufacturing relationship we have. The stakes really could not be higher for Canada's economic future.
We talk about the money invested, but we also talk about jobs. The Americans didn't hesitate to protect jobs and industries. Canadians right now have been waiting three months to hear whether Canada is going to mirror the tariffs that have been put on those industries, which the Americans announced back in May. The Americans didn't hesitate. By not matching tariffs, we risk being seen as a weak link in the North American supply chain, and hesitation drives away investment. Retaliation, of course, is something we look at, but it's not something we can avoid by being passive. In fact, our inaction invites further aggression from countries like China, which will see our delay as weakness and capitalize on it.
We're not going to be able to stop the number of cars coming in. Tariffs don't stop EVs from coming into Canada. They will certainly slow them down, though. We risk certain effects if these vehicles enter Canada and they find their way through a back door to the U.S. market; we will further aggravate that Canada-U.S. relationship. Canadians deserve to know why it's taking so long to protect their jobs and industries. It has been three months since the U.S. implemented these tariffs. How much longer will Canadians have to wait?
The government must explain why it's dragging its feet when our economic future is at stake. Regarding the consultation the government conducted, we've talked to quite a few of the stakeholder groups involved in the consultation, and it has been thorough, but it clearly hasn't been comprehensive enough. Certain stakeholders have stated that we haven't covered data, for instance, and the fact that these are vehicles are coming into Canada. The U.S. is conducting a comprehensive study right now. We were studying part of that in the industry committee with Bill C-27, including, with these vehicles, the data that Canadians will give them, where it's stored and what it's used for by state-owned China.
The second thing would be the unfair labour practices, and the third would be the broader economic impact. Canadians deserve nothing less than to study this trade crisis, and therefore, Madam Chair, I will read the following motion to the committee:
That, given the risk heavily-subsidized Chinese-made electric vehicles pose to the over 600,000 Canadian workers in the steel, aluminum, mining, and auto-manufacturing industries, as well as risk to the $52.4 billion of taxpayers' money the federal government has spent on corporate subsidies for the electric vehicle industry in Canada, the committee begin a study of at least 8 meetings into the impact of tariffs on local industry and use of trade remedies to protect against Chinese electric vehicles, with 4 meetings held before September 30, 2024, and that the meetings consist of:
One 2-hour meeting with the Honourable Mary Ng, Minister of Export Promotion, International Trade, and Economic Development, and officials from Global Affairs Canada on the issue of tariffs and impacts on local industry.
One 2-hour meeting with the Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, and officials from the Department of Finance.
One 2-hour meeting with the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, and officials from the Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development.
One 2-hour meeting with the Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and officials from the Department of Global Affairs.
At least four meetings with stakeholders deemed relevant to the subject.
that the committee request copies in both official languages, of all submissions made to the Federal Government's public consultation which ran from July 2nd to August 1st, 2024 on protecting Canadian workers and electric vehicle supply chains from unfair Chinese trade practices, that the copies be sent to the clerk for distribution to committee members prior to the commencing of the study, that the committee report its findings to the House, and that the committee immediately report to the House of Commons that the Government immediately match the United States' tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, steel, aluminum, critical minerals, and EV batteries and battery parts, and remove Chinese-made electric vehicles from all Federal electric vehicle subsidy and rebate programs.