Thank you for the question. It's almost my favourite question.
Our women entrepreneurs have a lot of trouble accessing government contracts, because the majority of them are small business owners.
The U.S. government offers tax incentives to private companies. For example, it asks them to buy 5% of goods and services from under-represented suppliers. If they don't reach that percentage, they aren't punished; rather, they're rewarded if they do, thanks to the tax measures in place.
In Canada, we've always shied away from the term “tax incentive”. I think that's a shame, because this practice would give women entrepreneurs much greater access to markets. Strategically, we're looking at U.S. companies, because we know they have quotas to meet.
Take Costco, for example. When Costco buys from us in Canada, I know very well that my dollar ultimately goes to them. Every time Costco does business with a Canadian company, that company is helping Costco reach the quotas set by the United States, which is very advantageous for Costco.
For our part, from a strategic standpoint, we focus on companies that have programs and on those for whom this has a decisive effect. The good thing is that our women entrepreneurs don't necessarily have to export their products now. They get an order in the U.S., then fulfill it in their Canadian subsidiary. It allows their business to grow without necessarily exporting. Sales increase. Later, these entrepreneurs can take an order directly from the U.S.
Personally, I think it's a great program. Canada is very close to being able to contribute directly to business development through a tax incentive. That would be a huge help to women entrepreneurs and large businesses.