I'm not going to present, in a public hearing at this committee, what we're looking for precisely, because I'm not negotiating in public.
One thing, for sure, is getting the entire support of the Canadian government and being in Washington on a daily basis to get to an agreement that is a win-win situation. Americans need our product. We are there. We have less production than we used to, due to fires and due to biodiversity, which we take seriously in Canada. Therefore, the wood you all expected has gone up in smoke. Now they will have less volume. I guess the American companies should be satisfied with this.
We need to find a long-term solution for softwood lumber. I don't want it to be the 60-year record of the chicken tax between Europe and North America. If there's a will, there's a way. There is a will on our side to negotiate. We want to be there with the government to find a long-term deal with the United States.