That would be good. When we're paying for legal aid, I'd really like a clear explanation as to why we'd have to pay so much for legal aid in that case, because it went on and on and on.
The last one I have is that the SPCA brought a charge against a farmer in my riding. Normally, when these SPCA people bring a charge related to animals, there is an automatic $1,000 fine, and if you just pay it, it's done. But this farmer was a little upset and he wanted to challenge it. Of course, I don't know whether that was a civil or a criminal thing, or what, but it was a rather interesting case, because he wanted legal aid and didn't qualify. So he hired a lawyer and was found innocent of animal abuse and ended up owing the lawyer $11,000. He could have paid $1,000 and been done with it, but he ended up owing this lawyer $11,000. Of course the next case was the lawyer in court trying to collect $11,000 from the farmer.
These things seem just to go on and on. I'm wondering whether legal aid can contribute to helping. This slow tying-up of the process of getting the job done seems to be a lack of legal assistance. Can legal aid contribute to helping speed up the process and allow the stuff that just goes on and on?
I don't really know what to lay my finger on, except it seems that the backlogging and a few other things are getting completely out of control.