Thank you, Mr. Chair. I'm pleased to appear before the members of the justice committee, and at your request my remarks will focus on the Law Commission of Canada. I understand that if there are some questions then on the issue related to the judges' salaries, I'll see if I'm in a position to be able to answer them; if not, I'll take any questions and simply defer those answers for a more appropriate time to make sure I have the information before me.
As you indicated, Mr. Chair, today joining me is Mr. John Sims, the Deputy Minister of Justice and Deputy Attorney General of Canada.
Mr. Chair, when I first appeared in front of this committee last May, I said that the Department of Justice has a very real impact on the lives of individual Canadians. As a reflection of that impact, the Government of Canada spends, within the justice portfolio, more than $1.4 billion annually. This includes the Department of Justice Canada, the Courts Administration Service, the Supreme Court of Canada, and various tribunals and commissions.
Improving the justice system is one of the government's top five priorities. We have firmly committed to making Canada's streets and communities safer. At the same time, this government has also promised to spend Canada's tax dollars responsibly.
Mr. Chairman, in budget 2006, Canada's new government promised to review our programs to ensure every taxpayer dollar spent achieves results, provides value for money, and meets the needs of Canadians. On September 25, 2006, we carried through on this promise by finding four areas where Canadians can save money: first, by eliminating programs that were not providing value for the money; second, by cancelling non-core programs; third, by redirecting unused funds; and last, by achieving financial efficiency.
As part of that promise, the government has eliminated funding for the Law Commission of Canada. By doing so we will be saving the Canadian people nearly $4.2 million over two years. That money is going directly to pay down the debt.
The Law Commission of Canada was an independent federal law reform agency that advised Parliament on how to improve and modernize Canada's laws. However, when we looked at the various agencies of government, it became apparent that there was nothing the Law Commission of Canada did that was particularly unique or that could not and was not being carried out by other institutions.
During its tenure the Law Commission of Canada tabled a number of reports to Parliament, which were generally instigated by the Law Commission of Canada as a result of issues that it had identified. These included one on participatory justice; one on security interests; another on secured transactions; a fourth on electoral reform; another on adult relationships; and the most recent report, which was tabled in July of this year, on policing in Canada. They also produced a report on institutional child abuse at the request of the government. In 10 years—and this is an important point to make—since the Law Commission of Canada was created, during nine years of which there was a Liberal government, the report on institutional child abuse was the only report requested by the government. So in all those years there was only one report ever requested by government. These reports are still available within the public domain should the occasion arise to draw upon their contents.
The Law Commission of Canada was specifically structured to draw upon the expertise of people working in their respective fields. It was a very small organization that relied heavily on contractual relationships with outside experts. Across Canada, as I speak, there are independent research bodies at all levels inquiring into how Canada's laws might be improved, much as the Law Commission had been doing. They include provincial law reform commissions; educational institutions with policy capacity--for example, the University of Ottawa is leading the On the Identity Trail project, which is a broad partnership of the university, government, and industry players with an interest in issues related to identity and privacy--also independent non-governmental organizations interested in law reform, like the Canadian Tax Foundation or industry-specific organizations like the Canadian Bankers Association; also working groups that involve the federal, provincial, and territorial ministries responsible for justice; and finally, the private sector and research functions within federal and provincial government departments.
These groups are also carrying out valuable cooperative work with international associations. Many of these organizations provide their input whenever a law is getting reviewed or updated.
It was from this very same body of experts that the Law Commission of Canada drew its advice. Those very same experts are still out there contributing to policy research within their chosen fields; therefore, the capacity has not been lost at all by shutting down the commission.
Furthermore, I'm very confident that, should I need additional support and independent advice over and above what these organizations may already provide on any given law reform initiative, my own department has a capacity to foster partnerships and consultations with whoever may be appropriate for the task. For example, within the recent past my department has engaged in broad consultations with the Canadian Forum on Civil Justice; GPIAtlantic, an independent, non-profit research and educational organization; the Dalhousie Health Law Institute; and the Saint Mary's department of criminology.
As you all know, the Department of Justice has the ability to contract for legal research as it sees the need arising. There's a wide range of subject matter experts with whom we have relationships and with whom we can partner in addressing issues of reform or in conducting independent inquiries in areas of legal interest. We do not need to fund a standing organization for decades based upon the possibility that this need will arise. Again, I reiterate that in 10 years there has been only one request by government for any advice from that institution.
Mr. Chairman, I must state here that I support the idea of legal research and law reform. I also support our government's approach to creating efficiencies by eliminating programs and services that can be provided by other parties. In addition, I support the idea of public consultation, which is another service that was provided by the Law Commission.
Consultation can take many different forms, and it can occur at different stages of the law reform process. Consultation mechanisms also very much depend on the topic at issue. For example, this government has recently worked closely with the police associations to help find ways, through legislative reform, to better protect Canadians. Our approach is focused and task-oriented. Through this approach, we have succeeded in quickly and efficiently addressing the government priorities that Canadians voted for last year. It is clear, therefore, that we will continue to learn about issues surrounding the justice system and potential reforms through other mechanisms while still providing value for Canadian taxpayer dollars.
This government does not see a need to fund an organization that largely acts to engage the services of other organizations to carry out the research. I think that's an important point to remember. They essentially did not carry out the research directly, but in fact contracted out to have the work done on their behalf. The Department of Justice will continue to develop and maintain direct relationships with those individuals and organizations that are engaged in policy development, and it does need an interlocutor like the Law Commission of Canada to do this.
In closing, Mr. Chairman, I wish to reiterate that our government is responding to the wishes of Canadians, and that the Department of Justice has been instrumental to that response. We are making changes to the justice system that will make Canada's streets and communities safer, and we are continuing to contribute to the effort to spend Canada's tax dollars responsibly.
Mr. Chair, I welcome your questions and the questions of the membership here. I look forward to your feedback.
Thank you.