The question was asked, why this? Of course, in any discussion that we have around a bill, there are other things discussed, such as police resources—and we had the chief of police here today. Questions are asked about what the root cause is. We've heard all of that. But the why is a recognition, in a non-partisan way or even a non-ideological way, that there is a problem, that the status quo is not working, and that we as federal legislators have to pull our weight when it comes to the entire system. I've certainly heard evidence today about any work the provinces are putting into this and the good work the police are doing. But we heard also of frustration with the federal level not pulling its weight.
I say “non-ideological” because certainly all ideologies are represented at this table, but there's basically almost unanimous support for getting tougher, if you will. Raising the mandatory minimum sentences for serious gun crimes was talked about during the last election campaign and so on. All parties said we need to get tougher on gun crimes, that we need to do more, that we need to increase mandatory minimum sentences. I don't see that as coming from any particular ideological persuasion.
I would like you to expand a little, Mr. Rady, on the fear of getting caught. It's part of the reason why we brought in this legislation, and I would argue that it is well thought out. There was consultation. We do acknowledge that, as with anything we would have done, there's a potential for charter challenges to legislation in all criminal cases. Of course there will be challenges. But the Minister of Justice and the department feel the legislation is sound, and it will be your job to challenge the legislation when and if it passes.
Yes, there's the fear of getting caught, but the sentiment that has been expressed to us by victims' groups, by police, and by attorneys general provincially is that we have a catch-and-release type of system right now. Too often, people are getting caught and are then being released.
I heard powerful testimony today on the deterrent effect, and also on the real impact on crime in a community. It was pointed out today that it's not everybody who is committing these crimes. It's a small minority, a fraction of society in Toronto and elsewhere, who are committing these serious crimes. When those people are taken off the street, the violence goes down. The chief of police was here. He gave an illustration of a community where those individuals were targeted by police. In that time when they were incarcerated, the violence went down. The killings went down and violent crime went down.
I'd like your comments on that, because you say your clients are afraid of getting caught. But we all know your job is to make sure that once they're caught, they get back out. It's part of that revolving door, if you were. We want to make sure that once someone's caught, there's a consequence and it means they're off the street.