Mr. Chairman, if we are to vote on Thursday, I would simply ask the committee to take note of the following. I would like the committee to vote on a motion, further to the testimony that we have heard. I think all of my colleagues present will agree to this motion, which reads as follows:
1. That the government amend the definition of “criminal organization” in section 467.1 of the Criminal Code to include the commission of offences involving gratuitous violence (e.g.: drive-by shootings) that yield no material benefit for the said organization, as defined in section 467.1.
I'll have an opportunity to explain this further next Thursday. Moving right along:
2. That the government amend the Criminal Code to make warrants authorizing the use of a GPS system to monitor the movements of a motor vehicle (s. 487.01) valid for the same period as warrants for electronic surveillance; namely, one year.
This was something mentioned to us by the witness, Mr. Bélanger. I should also have included a reference to section 492 in addition to section 487.01. Continuing on with the reading of my motion:
3. That the federal government make available to the provincial attorneys general a fund of at least $5 million over three years to help train Crown prosecutors specializing in combating street gangs.
You may recall that according to the witnesses, few persons have specialized training in this field. Moving along:
4. That the federal government implement a web site accessible by police officers; federal, provincial and territorial justice ministers; and Crown attorneys, with links to the following:
I don't think I need to read the following three points. In short, the motion calls for evidence and court decisions to be made available to members of the legal system. I am optimistic that as a friendly gesture, you will unanimously support this motion.