And I certainly don't need to identify my own experience either.
I believe that the age at which young people first engage in sexual activity is fairly culturally based. Young people often do what their peers do. They often—
Well, here's an example that doesn't even occur in Canada. In refugee camps, you will find young people engaging in sexual activity and becoming pregnant at extremely young ages, in part to reproduce their tribe. There is something highly survivalist about reaching out and recreating those people who have been victims of genocide or other atrocities. That's the safest example, because we can all understand that one. We might not think it's the very best way for 11-, 12-, and 13-year-olds to be behaving.
The other thing is that young people, through nutrition and a variety of other things, are in fact reaching puberty sooner than they did many years ago. So there are a variety of reasons, some individual, some cultural, some physically developmental.
But the age at which young Canadians on average first begin to be sexually active is about 14. That, of course, corresponds to what, as of today, is the age of consent. It's in our brief. I can't remember, but it's 14.1 years for one gender—presumably that's girls—and something like 14.5 years for the other gender.