Good morning. Thank you for being here today, Mr. Nicholson, Mr. Sims and Mr. Saunders.
I have three questions for the minister.
My first question is about cost recovery. It states on page 35 of the Report on Plans and Priorities of the Department of Justice that the department recovers some of the costs incurred for legal advisory, litigation and legislative services to government. On page 17-4 of the Main Estimates, we read that the department expects to recover $178 million for providing such services to the government.
Can you tell us why the Department of Justice has adopted cost recovery? How high would the administrative costs be for establishing a cost-recovery strategy? How many client departments and agencies will have to pay for legal services provided by the Department of Justice? Will cost recovery discourage departments and agencies from asking for legal assistance? Finally, is cost recovery a prudent way of avoiding potential legal problems?
Second, the department calls on some lawyers in private practice to deal with some issues. I would like to know how frequently this was done during the last fiscal year and for which issues in particular. I would like to know how many times that happened, the cost of it and the reason why the department did not deal with the issue itself. Can you give me some explanation about this?
My third question is about legal aid. At the moment, I'm aware that one of the justice department's strategic outcomes is to provide a fair, relevant and accessible justice system. The justice system has become so expensive that the average person or disadvantaged people are no longer represented by lawyers, and this creates a problem within the justice administration system.
In the breakdown of the legal aid budget, what is the split between the federal government and the provincial government? For example, I would like to know what Quebec should be receiving.
I would appreciate answers to these questions if you are able to provide them.