If I may, I would like to provide some explanation on this issue. The aim of clause 23 is to allow the accused the option of re-electing without the consent of the prosecutor, when the latter has filed a preferred indictment. The aim of the government amendment is therefore to correct errors in drafting.
In subclause (2), there is a reference to subsections 561(5) to (7), which provide a mechanism for re-electing, that is the requirement to give notice and the way in which the court reacts upon having received it. We must plead guilty. In the following subsection, that is subsection 565(3), this mechanism is already provided for. It was therefore not necessary to refer to it in subsections 561(5) to (7). The intention of the first part of the government amendment is to eliminate the reference to these subsections.
The amendment has a second part, which is aimed at a section that is not necessarily amended by the bill. What we are suggesting, however, is necessary if we want the section to have an effect. In subsection 561(3), there is again an erroneous reference to the consent of the prosecutor whereas the objective of this provision is precisely to abolish the need for this consent.