You made two points, sir, about surely we must be able to come up with a system where we can get to the blood test and that would provide reliable evidence of conviction and isn't that going to essentially help reduce the incidence of drug-driving through the deterrence.
I want to deal with both those points. First of all, even if you get to the blood test stage of the process, the science isn't there to make it simple enough to establish what level of drug in the blood or urine proves impairment. Read the Senate committee report. Some places use one level, other places use another; some scientists say it's ten nanograms, France says it's one nanogram. So the difficulty you're going to have, especially because in the legislation you don't even set a standard, is in each case you're going to have to litigate the issue of how much of a drug in the system establishes impairment.
The problem that creates for the “deterrent” value of this law.... I remember many years ago when Ontario brought in its administrative driving licence suspensions. I think my friends at the Safety Council will say that probably the most dominant reason for the reduction in impaired driving in Canada is the nationwide administrative non-criminal licence suspension. I remember cross-examining Dr. Beirness about this, and I remember the alliteration he had: that the most important thing about deterrence or the most important features of a law to promote deterrence are swiftness, certainty, and severity. In other words, swiftness of the process concluding or the punishment being imposed after the “commission of the offence”; the certainty, meaning that it's always imposed; and, of course, the severity.
All you have in this legislation is severity. You don't have swiftness and you don't have certainty. Why not? Because of all the reasons we said before. Every one of these cases will go to trial because the science is so vague.
In other words, as an example, you have the young person who arguably may have committed the offence, and the sanction they might receive is going to be 15 months later--and they might receive it. That doesn't promote deterrence. You want to go with the administrative penalties, the non-criminal ones.
Sorry, Mr. Chair.