Thank you, Chair.
Thank you, Tony and David. It's good to see you both again, and Ms. Robertson and Ms. Nadeau.
David, you'll remember back in the day there was a time, while I was still Solicitor General, when we pulled the Breathalyzers from the streets because there were concerns about the calibration. So I want to talk a little bit about the equipment, just factual stuff.
Is it possible to upgrade the current equipment, if we make this change, with just a minor calibration, and if so, what would that cost be? If we have to replace it with brand new technology, what would that cost be?
I was quite interested, Ms. Robertson, in your saying that in California the roadside Breathalyzers are of such a quality that they're actually allowed to be introduced in courts, which, as far as I know, is light years away from where we are.
Perhaps, Chair, we could get a little bit of feedback on that.