Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I hope not to use my 10 minutes, because I appreciate that the committee prefers to engage in the dialogue--and I quite agree--and tends to get more out of the questions and answers.
I do want to thank you for inviting me. I always enjoy coming to the Hill and participating in this committee's work. I'm certainly proud to be able to participate in the legislative process.
I feel somewhat prouder today. As I was telling Mr. Chair, I have the distinct pleasure of exhibiting the process to my eldest daughter, Courtney, who has come with me.
Just to give you a bit of background about why I might know something about the issues you're considering, I've been a defence lawyer for almost 20 years. For probably the last 15 years, I've done nothing but mega-trials consisting of many gang cases.
Indeed, I was counsel for one of the two accused in the Lindsay and Bonner case, the Hells Angels prosecution that I know has come up quite a bit in discussion before this committee. I also represented one of the leaders of the first street gang prosecution in Ontario. That started about five years ago, I guess. I have represented one of the terrorists charged in Brampton. Obviously, some of the parallels have been drawn before you by some of your witnesses.
I've been a professor at two of Ontario's law schools for over 10 years and I've published some articles dealing with the prosecution and defence of gang cases. I've spoken to Ontario Superior Court judges on the topic.
Just as a couple of other points of interest in terms of my background, I also sit on the Legal Aid Ontario exceptions committee, which is relevant because it is the committee that manages defence funding for all mega-trials and major gang cases in Ontario. So even for those that I'm not involved with as a lawyer, I'm involved in the oversight committee in terms of what goes on in those cases.
Finally, as a director of the Ontario Criminal Lawyers' Association, I was their representative involved in dealing with and responding to the LeSage-Code report, which I know has been mentioned a number of times in evidence before this committee. As I say, I was involved in drafting the recommendations, so I know quite a bit about that.
Just to sum up in terms of my background, I think I do have a somewhat unique perspective. I've been on the inside of these cases looking out, on the outside looking in, and from the top looking down, so I really have had the opportunity to consider from different perspectives the issue that you are looking at.
I don't have much new to tell you. I'm sorry to say that. I've read the evidence of all the witnesses who've testified before you on this issue. You've already heard the evidence from the federal prosecutors and the Department of Justice officials, who have told you that listing, or creating a list of criminal organizations, is both unnecessary and unhelpful for what they need in court. Their evidence, it seems, was supported by the likes of Professor Kent Roach in terms of the constitutional problems and the lack of benefit, as well as Professor Gordon from Simon Fraser University.
I'll just leave you with this in terms of my opening remarks. My 95-year-old grandfather always used to tell me, “Don't fix it if it ain't broke.” I have a slightly modified version of that. I always prefer to say, “Before you fix it, make sure it's really broke”, because you might do more harm by trying to fix a problem that's not such a big problem.
I'll just say to you that to the extent that the police make a very convincing case that gang violence and gangs are a problem in this country—and I don't dispute any of that—having read their evidence, there just doesn't seem to be a connection between whatever problem gangs may present and creating a list of criminal organizations. It's not going to solve any of the issues they've addressed. If anything, it's likely to exacerbate them.
The only thing that listing can really do is create trial efficiencies, and the prosecutors—and I endorse their view wholeheartedly—tell you that it's not going to achieve much of anything on that front. Also, the collateral effects of listing are not worth the effort.
I'll just say one last thing. There are better ways to achieve what you want to achieve by creating a list without having to go through all the problems of creating a list. I'm happy to outline those, if you're interested.
Those are my remarks.