I don't. If truth be told, I wrote this report focusing on the role of the commission rather than the tribunal, and as I understand it, there is a degree of specialization within the commission itself.
One of the difficulties--this is a practical difficulty, I can imagine--is that the number of tribunal adjudications under section 13 is very small. It is the practice of many courts, of course, in which certain judges who have experience and knowledge in a particular area are generally assigned particular cases that arise, so it certainly would make sense to do something of that nature, I would think.
Very quickly, I would just like to draw the committee's attention to a particular provision of the Criminal Code that is under-utilized, and that is--I hope I've got the number right--section 320.1. It is a provision that enables an application to be made that can lead to the taking down of web material, the erasure of computer-based material, without a determination of who is responsible for it and without a determination that there was any wrongful intention, if it's determined that the material is sufficiently hateful in character that it would breach subsection 319.(2). Now, it's not used very often, and there may be some practical issues around it that I'm not aware of, but it does seem to me to be a valuable alternative option.