I think when we're talking about the issue of young offenders being used, we do see that in some cases. I don't think it's so widespread. Like we say, there are small pockets of organized crime activity where that does take place.
In a way, it kind of comes back to the issue of ensuring that these youth who are being used have positive people and positive resources around them, so that their role models aren't the gang members who are recruiting them. Their role models need to be positive people, and if there is a breakdown in their social circumstance—whether it be a family breakdown or some sort of personal issue—the resources need to be there to handle that so that the gang is not playing the role of the parents and being the role models for these youth. They're not necessarily recruited; sometimes they're doing work for their older friends, maybe, who are involved in criminal activity. Because they're having family problems or they're having personal issues, or whatever the situation may be, these older friends become their role models.
I think we need to improve the circumstances of these youth, because yes, the youth may know that what they're doing is wrong and they'll get slapped on the wrist, and yes, the adult they're working for, so to speak, knows that as well. I think there's a need to improve the circumstances of these youth, and also to improve the circumstances overall, so that the activity doesn't necessarily need to take place. As I said, if these youth have the positive role models to follow and the support systems in place, that would help eliminate that problem.
With regard to changing the Youth Criminal Justice Act, I do think that in a way the Youth Criminal Justice Act isn't really designed for these circumstances. It's designed for youth who are involved in mischievous things more than in organized crime activity. So I do think there needs to be some discussion surrounding that. I don't really know whether I want to say yes, we have to change the law so that these youth are treated as adults, but I do think there needs to be discussion, because I don't think it was designed for these circumstances that exist currently.
That's simply to answer that part of your question. I don't know if anybody else wants to field the second part.