I'm also opposed to it. I don't know what's happened. On Wednesday I expect we'll take the better part of the first half-hour, if there are no amendments to Mr. Godin's Bill C-232. So we'll use up a half-hour then. We then have two witnesses now scheduled. I don't know of any more, but this is what I was informed as of Friday, that we have two witnesses: Mr. Head, from Corrections Canada, from whom I expect we're going to need to get a fair amount of data, and then Professor Manson from Queen's, who also has a good deal of data to give us. I expect they would take up the balance of that hour and a half.
I don't know what's happened. I think I asked for—or somebody else asked, and I would certainly support—somebody coming from the Canadian Bar Association. I don't know whether they're scheduled. Then there were either two or three witnesses, as I understood, on the list coming from the Barreau du Québec, the criminal defence lawyers for Quebec, and from Aide Juridique du Quebec. I don't know what's happened to them, if they're coming, or if there's a problem with their coming on Wednesday. I don't know what the problem is there, but I would expect that if some of them could be available, we might be able to plug one or two of them in. But that would be it, and we'd have to then finish the witnesses on the 16th, which is what I'm looking for.
A final point that I would make with regard to witnesses is that I'm still trying to get at least one and perhaps two other witnesses. It's very difficult, because of the nature of who they are, to get them to be willing to consent to come publicly with their testimony.
The final point I would make is to confirm, besides the question on the scheduling on Wednesday, that clearly we are not going to be able to go beyond 5:30, because of the votes that are scheduled. There's just no jurisdiction here, either in the chair or the committee, to prolong the meeting beyond 5:30 on Wednesday.
So I think the prudent thing to do is to vote against this motion and leave the scheduling, so that we would still have the opportunity to have witnesses on the 16th and finish clause-by-clause on the 16th. I'm not anticipating, from having talked to all parties now, any amendments. As far as I can see, there aren't going to be any amendments, so that we could deal with clause-by-clause on the 16th and finish it at that point.